♥K C C O♥
♥One tune, One love, One Orchestra♥
KCCO Committee Chairperson - Sophia Ung Vice-Chairperson - Felicity Tan Secretary - Sheryl Liu Treasurer - Nikko Tham Score Master - Sarah Tay Setional Leaders Cello Bass - Jia Li, Elly Plucking - Alvina Ho, Jau Jieh, Ying Ping Strings - Nikko Tham, Rachel Lee Woodwind - Amanda Tan, Wang Jing A COMMITTEE THAT KEEPS MINUTES AND LOSES HOURS
Sunday, July 29, 2007 ♥
hey all! i think we all did quite well today! except for some screwd places. but it's alright(: lol. would like to give everyone a break but.. hah. we have abother performance. continue to practice harder! n we can eventually get what we want. our next performance is mid autum festival, 21/9. so u know.. the same. hehe. have a good rest everyone! tmr we still got school! :D n study hard too! CAs are round the corner. love, queenie(((:
♥One tune, One love, One orchestra @ 8:37 PM
Hello all! Thank you all who came today for the bedok performance! It was a great job! Well done! =))) Anyway, fyi the next upcoming performance will be on the 21st september 2007 (Mid autumn Festival). Practice hard! Love, Eugenia
♥One tune, One love, One orchestra @ 8:33 PM
Saturday, July 28, 2007 ♥
HEY! tmr's the performance. lol. remember: #1 FULL school uniform + CO badge #2 be NEAT & TIDY esp. hairstyle #3 reach school at 6.30-6.45 am #4Bring a storybook! committees; there is a short meeting in school after the performance. thoes who are helping with the instruments come at 6.30am. okay see you all tmr!(: queenie((:
♥One tune, One love, One orchestra @ 9:48 PM
Friday, July 27, 2007 ♥
harlo! :D i think we've improved once again yea?((: like some songs we only have to go through it once or twice den we are quite fine with it(: okay continue to work harder everyone! even after the performance. hehe. just a note; pls look up at Mr.Goh at certain times where Mr.Goh has pointed out. eg, yue qu. slowing down part. etc. n pls co-operate n BRING HOME YOUR INSTRUMENTS! okay practice hard! queenie(: (this is like my 2nd blog or something. hah)
♥One tune, One love, One orchestra @ 10:05 PM
Thursday, July 26, 2007 ♥
YO! :D tmr's practice.. sec1s need not come. only the percussion n those who were in the combine on wed. Everyone pls be PUNCTUAL! Get ready by 2.45pm . okay see u all! haha. btw, CO room will be opened in the morning so that all of you don't have to bring your instruments up to class(: queenie((:
♥One tune, One love, One orchestra @ 9:50 PM
Wednesday, July 25, 2007 ♥
hey all! just in case you didn't catch what Mr.Goh said, the order of the songs for sunday's performance is: #1 月曲 #2一步一步 #3成里的月光 #4小人物的心声 #5风筝乐 #6歌声迎风飘四方(reserved) #7世间始终你好 n hello ppl WAKE up. the performance is only like what? a few days later. can u all PLEASSSSSSSEEEE be more co-operative. be punctual for practices! did u know we started like 1/2 hr late today! it's for the MP (no not mezzo piano) you know what it is. so it's not playing for some passerby. so better practice more! but of cos we sounded better(: keep it up! hah. see you all on fri! be PUNCTUAL! queenie(:
♥One tune, One love, One orchestra @ 9:51 PM
Sunday, July 22, 2007 ♥
All COMMITTEEs! Important meeting tomorrow! Time:2.45pm Place:TBN (to be notify) but meet outside CO rm if u don't receive any further details by tmr morning p.s in case you must know. it'll end around 6. if we do dilly dally. cheers, queenie(:
♥One tune, One love, One orchestra @ 8:33 PM
Friday, July 20, 2007 ♥
hey all, today's practice was quite okay. but as usual we need to practice more(: don worry we can do it! i know it's a little rush but haha. we can do it luh! after all we are KCCO(((: pls take note; #1 to bring home all your instruments n files. (if you don't want to face the consequences) #2 PLEASE be punctual. (today Mr.Goh had to wait for us?) the other thing is about 29th july's performance. meet in school at 6.45am. we'll reach back school around 11 ++. so be prepared(((: okay practice hard!(: queenie
♥One tune, One love, One orchestra @ 9:15 PM
Thursday, July 19, 2007 ♥
Hey all! (queenie is back! :) anw, it regards tmr's practice. All sec1s need not turn up. except those that were in the SYF/EMDD group. you HAVE to turn up. Percussion section! you all have to turn too(: (well you all know the reasons :) All Sec2s n Sec3s MUST MUST MUST turn up! unless you have MC. otherwise you'll be marked as ABSENT. so do take note. yay! we were not bad on wed. but there's still room for improvement! so please do practice. As our performance will be NEXT sunday only. see you all tmr!((((: love, queenie((:
♥One tune, One love, One orchestra @ 9:22 PM
Friday, July 13, 2007 ♥
hey people! just incase you don't know. the CCA photos are on the CO board. so please do go there to take a look if you are going to order. thanks! just a little note... as you can hear today's practice. we need ALOT more improvements. so practice!(: if we want a gold in the 2009 SYF more efforts gotta be put in. starting from now. it's not a short perid nor long. but soon, it'll be here then you'll know. so practice practice practice people! smiles, queenie(:
♥One tune, One love, One orchestra @ 10:31 PM
Tuesday, July 10, 2007 ♥
HEY ALL! reminder. there IS co practice tmr. 2.45 at sec1 level! so be punctual(: okay as i promised. the EMDD pictures. haha. i'm very fair okay :D ![]() loads of love, queenie(((:
♥One tune, One love, One orchestra @ 9:32 PM
Monday, July 9, 2007 ♥
hey everyone! this regards the CO PHOTO. the one that we took before we left for our june holidays(: they are here! wheee! lol. back to business.. for all Sec4s & 5s, i know you won't be coming back for much of the practices. If you wanna see the photos (of cos you do! :) you can meet me.. 1# before morning assembly at the stone bench ( outside the staff room) [pray that i'll be early:] 2# after our afternoon assemly, outside the hall (nearer to the gym) -note that please take your belongings from your class 1st as your chairman might lock the classrooms. for all Sec1s-3s, kim will show all of you before/ after CO/ during break. unless you wanna see it earlier you can too. meet me at either place 1# or 2# (refer to the top infor) okay rmb to come for practices! n those who have not paid up for this month CO fund pls do! haha. (hye ri's reminder:) LOVES! queenie(((:
♥One tune, One love, One orchestra @ 6:51 PM
Sunday, July 8, 2007 ♥
hey all! i thought we did a grerat job ytd! HOORRAY! *pat yourself on the head. lol. ( i feel like i'm elmow) hahah. anw, i'm sure we all had fun yea? sadly, it's the sec4's last performance with us. we all know it's gonna come. n it did. we need not be sad about it. infact we should rejoice for them. going through this journey was difficlt but they made it easier for us didn't they? i'm most of you will agree. despite the scoldings they gave us, remember.. they brought the laughter out of us too. so on behalf of the orchestra we THANK YOU once again!(: thanks everyone for being co-orprative ytd for keeping the noise level down. even though we had to wait for 2 hours each performance(: n that all of us kept to the 4th level only. except ah-em. anw, we have done KC n our CO proud again! (((: of cos to thank Mr.Goh for practicing with us! especially sats. n the waiting you have to do when we have a full school rehearsal(: okay.. so pics will be up soon! look forward to it. heh. p.s if anyone has any EMDD photos pls send to me too! thanks. love, queenie(:
♥One tune, One love, One orchestra @ 5:02 PM
Thursday, July 5, 2007 ♥
HEY all EMDD performers! just a gentle reminder for tomorrow on what to bring; -CO UNIFORM White Blouse Black skirt/ Black Pants Black Blazer CO badge Red tie Black Shoes -2 storybooks -makeup n leave your classroom at 9.15am. in your proper school uniform. P.S all copied n paste from eugenia cos i'm lazy. heh. queenie(:
♥One tune, One love, One orchestra @ 9:08 PM
Tuesday, July 3, 2007 ♥
hey all comm'07, tmr before our sectionals foo laoshi wants a -3min meeting. -at 2.45pm -along the sec1s class room corridoor. i have no idea what is it about. anyway.. so be punctual!(: smiles, queenie(: P.S please DO NOT practice outside the CO rm. as you might disrupt the O level chinese oral. if you really want to practice, practice at the 3rd floor(sec1 level) where there's this big empty space outside 1/7. thank you(:
♥One tune, One love, One orchestra @ 6:56 PM
Monday, July 2, 2007 ♥
To all EMDD CO participants, do take note of the infomation below (there might be some changes, so keep checking for updates) : > 4th July, Wednesday Sectional Practice 2.45pm-6.00pm Venue: SEC ONE CLASSROOMS (due to olevel MT Oral exams) >6th July, Friday EMDD Rehearsal at Victoria Theatre - Please come to school as usual, but leave your classrooms at 9.15am for recess. - Report to Mdm Foo at the Foyer at 9.45am sharp with the following things ready:
** Please prepare a hanger for your uniform as we'll be leaving the uniform overnight at Victoria Theatre. Do label you hanger and your uniforms to avoid confusion. 2. INSTRUMENTS
***PLEASE BE PUNCTUAL ALRIGHT? =) ****These updates will be posted on the CO NOTICE BOARD. Do check it out. Love, Eugenia
♥One tune, One love, One orchestra @ 4:04 PM